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Arrangements pour piano facile avec textes
ALICE AU PAYS DES MERVEILLES : Alice in Wonderland - The unbirthday song - DUMBO : Baby Mine - When I See an Elephant Fly - PINOCCHIO : Give A Little Whistle - I've Got No Strings - When You Wish Upon A Star - BAMBI : Little April Shower - THE MICKEY MOUSE CLUB : Mickey Mouse March - PETER PAN : Never Smile At A Crocodile - BLANCHE NEIGE ET LES SEPT NAINS : Some Day My Prince Will Come - Heigh-Ho - I'm Wishing - Whistle While You Work - MARY POPPINS : A Spoonful Of Sugar - The Unbirthday Song - LES TROIS PETITS COCHONS : Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?